Extensions to GObject

Extensions to GObject — Miscelleanous extensions to the GObject library


#include <exo/exo.h>

gboolean    exo_g_value_transform_negate    (const GValue *src_value,
                                             GValue *dst_value);


This facility includes several functions to extend the basic functionality provided by the GObject library.


exo_g_value_transform_negate ()

gboolean    exo_g_value_transform_negate    (const GValue *src_value,
                                             GValue *dst_value);

Applies boolean negation to src_value and stores the result in dst_value.

This function is mostly useful for binding boolean properties with inversing.

src_value : A value convertible to gboolean.
dst_value : A value which can be assigned a gboolean.
Returns : TRUE on successful transformation.

See Also

GObject Reference Manual