Service provider for App development

Mobile devices are more important than ever before and their importance will continue to grow.

We program apps that are precisely tailored to your business goals.

From the customized development of native apps for iOS and Android to complex web apps for large platforms.

With our many years of experience, we are the right partner for you.

Tailored to your requirements

Native apps

Native apps are characterized by a dedicated purpose. For the following areas, developing a native app makes the most sense:

Native App
Special native functions
Mobile devices have special interfaces / functions that can only be accessed with a native app.
High requirements for the secure storage of data on mobile devices or the activation of functions through the use of biometrics are only possible with a native app.
If an application has a special requirement for data storage, fast access or graphics, a native app should be created in order to make optimum use of the features of the end devices and not be slowed down by a slow Internet connection.
Offline functionality
Internet access is not available everywhere at an appropriate speed or at all. Especially when processing large amounts of data, offline functionality via a native app is the only solution.
Special purpose
Internal company processes or a dedicated purpose are very common, especially in industry. In these cases, the development of a specific native app is often the fastest and most cost-effective option.

Web Apps

Fast access from anywhere, with any device, to the same data and the app always looks the same. The development of a web app offers these advantages and more:

Access from anywhere.
You can think of a web app as a website. As long as you have an internet connection, you can use the app's functions and the corresponding data.
Independence from devices and platforms.
Regardless of whether the device is a car, television, tablet or simply a smartphone: A WebApp runs on all devices.
Uniform design across the board.
Thanks to responsive development, as is usual for WebApps, a WebApp has the same design on every device. The user guidance can also be designed uniformly across all devices.
Central updates for security and without new installation.
Updates, security functions or new features can be controlled centrally without having to rely on user action.
Central development costs
Due to the platform independence, only one code base is required. This saves the costs that would have been multiplied by platform-related development.

Our toolbox

Full stack development

We always use exactly the right tool for a task instead of

treating every task as a nail and work on it with the same hammer.


  • Swift
  • Objective C
  • Pod


  • Kotlin
  • Java


  • VueJs
  • Angular


  • Flutter
  • NativeScript
  • Ionic
  • ReactNative

Security standards

  • JWT
  • OAuth
  • SSO

Basic tools

  • git
  • npm/Node.js
  • composer
  • RESTful
  • Redis
  • Webpack
  • Linux

Software service

Challenge? Accepted!

Outstanding services around Software development, support and consulting must provide answers to the six biggest challenges:

Time pressure

Decision-making processes often drag on for weeks and months. As soon as a decision has been made, things have to happen very quickly - you want to see progress as soon as possible (and rightly so!). More resources, more know-how, and quick results are required. Our developers are experienced in throwing themselves into every project without a lot of overhead work and quickly showing visible and yet sustainable results.

Old projects. Old code

Highly specialized programs in particular run quietly in companies for years or even decades. Until an adjustment is necessary - however: Nobody knows who developed the program, where exactly the data comes from or what the program actually does. We help: We analyze, evaluate and familiarize ourselves with the old source code. The code can then be expanded, secured or even completely rewritten in coordination with the partner.

Special security requirements

Secure software development is important to us. We believe that it is not enough to just work through compliance checklists. Criminals, hackers and sometimes competitors are not just theoretical threats. Highly secure software architecture and consistently protected software platforms are our speciality. For us, the requirements can never be high enough.

Permanent development partners

Most of our customers work with us as partners for years. They tell us their wishes and needs, we develop and advise on all topics related to software. Building trust, professionalism and consistently high quality are the pillars of our collaboration. Our lead developers are proud to quickly earn this trust with every new project.

Money Money Money

Lots of colorful features, highly secure development, a fully trained, 24/7 on-call development team and the product live tomorrow, ideally, with a new change every day. If the pot of money were infinite, we would do it without any problems. The reality of our partners is usually different. And we know that very well. We minimize costs right from the start, communicate openly, advise on which features are really necessary, how costs can be reduced by using Open Source, for example, which meetings really have added value and how much documentation is useful.

Let the idea become reality

With software, everything is possible. There are almost no limits to the digital world - the most successful companies in the world (the 'Big Five' such as Apple, Google, etc.) are based on an idea that became reality using software. Our job is to bring your ideas to life.

Ready for the next step?
We look forward to hearing from you